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  • "Real-time curb visibility"
    Real-time curb visibility refers to providing information to drivers in real time about available and unavailable curbside parking spaces near a given destination.
Published: 2023
Journal/Book: Goods Movement 2030: An Urban Freight Blog
At the spring Urban Freight Lab (UFL) meeting, members heard about four innovative approaches to planning streets so both people and goods can move more efficiently, safely, and sustainably. The catch? Europe is the only place most of these ideas have successfully scaled. So, how might these ideas translate or get adapted to a North American context as we look toward 2030? In our last blog, we talked about an integrated freight and pedestrian approach Gothenburg, Sweden, has had on...
Related Research Project:
Urban Freight in 2030
Published: 2022
Journal/Book: Scientific Reports
Delivery vehicle drivers are experiencing increasing challenges in finding available curb space to park in urban areas, which increases instances of cruising for parking and parking in unauthorized spaces. Policies traditionally used to reduce cruising for parking for passenger vehicles, such as parking fees and congestion pricing, are not effective at changing delivery drivers’ travel and parking behaviors.
Published: 2022
Journal/Book: American Planning Association | 2022 State of Transportation Planning
At the time we are writing this article, hundreds of thousands of delivery vehicles are getting ready to hit the road and travel across U.S. cities to meet the highest peak of demand for ecommerce deliveries during Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and the Christmas holiday season. This mammoth fleet will not only add vehicle miles traveled through urban centers but also increase parking congestion, battling with other vehicles for available curb space.
Published: 2022
Journal/Book: 9th International Urban Freight Conference, Long Beach, May 2022
Parking cruising is a well-known phenomenon in passenger transportation, and a significant source of congestion and pollution in urban areas. While urban commercial vehicles are known to travel longer distances and to stop more frequently than passenger vehicles, little is known about their parking cruising behavior, nor how parking infrastructure affects such behavior.
Special Issue
Published: 2021
Authors: Dr. Anne GoodchildDr. Giacomo Dalla ChiaraDr. Andisheh Ranjbari, Susan Shaheen (University of California, Berkeley), Donald Shoup (UCLA)
Journal/Book: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Efforts to regulate the curb also suffer from a lack of publicly accessible data on both the demand and supply of curb space. Cities often do not have the technical expertise to develop a curb data collection and data-sharing strategy. In addition, the private individuals and companies that generate most of the curb-use data often withhold them from public use to protect proprietary information and personal user data. However, new uses of data sources, such as the Global Positioning System...
Technical Report
Published: 2019
Journal/Book: U.S. Department of Energy
The objectives of this project are to develop and implement a technology solution to support research, development, and demonstration of data processing techniques, models, simulations, a smart phone application, and a visual-confirmation system to: Reduce delivery vehicle parking seeking behavior by approximately 20% in the pilot test area, by returning current and predicted load/unload space occupancy information to users on a web-based and/or mobile platform, to inform real-time parking decis…