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Urban Freight Lab presents at PNREC

Urban Freight Lab presents at PNREC
Urban Freight Lab presents at PNREC
May 25, 2018   //   

May 25, 2018— The Urban Freight Lab presented at the 52nd annual Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference (PNREC) in Tacoma as part of a panel on E-Commerce Growth May Double Demand for Urban Delivery Spaces by 2020 – Are Cities Ready?

  • Director Barb Ivanov spoke on “How the Growth of E-commerce, Population, and Ride-Hailing Services is Reshaping Cities”
  • Research Assistant and Ph.D. student Jose Machado presented “The Load/Unload Space Network: A Seattle Case Study”
  • Seattle Department of Transportation engineer Chris Eaves presented “City of Seattle Innovations Serving the Urban Goods Delivery System”

The Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference is a non-profit organization established to promote research and education on the economy of the Northwest states and western Canada. The objectives of the Conference are:

  • To present a program of professional papers, panels and symposia that relate to regional economics.
  • To enable distinguished regional scientists and policy analysts from elsewhere to play a featured role at the Conference.
  • To provide a forum for those from academia, business, and government to meet and interact professionally.
  • To introduce and share current regional economic research with students, business and community leaders.

About the Urban Freight Lab (UFL): An innovative public-private partnership housed at the Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center at the University of Washington, the Urban Freight Lab is a structured workgroup that brings together private industry with City transportation officials to design and test solutions around urban freight management.

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Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference